* I should have realized the Nevada Medicaid for All bill was just a ratfuck. Let my guard down.
* On television, in journals, in the halls of Congress, none of the old methods by which American liberals enforced their claim to superior expertise are working anymore. For all their “resistance,” the greatest impediment to Donald Trump remains his own stupidity. Despite every evil and crime of his administration, the most ambitious Democratic victory on the horizon is making Mike Pence president. Our liberals are right: none of this is normal. This isn’t how it used to be. Everywhere, our best and brightest blink. Are they still in the desert? Is all this an hallucination, a bad dream? The Blathering Superego at the End of History.
* New Study Shows What Really Happened in the 2016 Election.
* Wisconsin and climate denial. As water quality worries grow, Wisconsin plots strategy on phosphorus.
* Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Potentially Monumental Political Gerrymandering Case.
* GOP Data Firm Accidentally Leaks Personal Details of Nearly 200 Million American Voters.
* Constitutional crisis may be Trump’s only hope.
* The DCEU has a problem — everybody likes Wonder Woman.
* itshappening.gif: Yes, The Dark Tower Movie Is a Sequel to the Books.
* thisisfine.jpg: It’s so hot in Phoenix, they can’t fly planes.
* The Official Reason for Star Trek: Discovery’s Many Delays Is ‘World Building Is Hard’.
* 8°C.
* Sad.
* An Oral History of Quentin Tarantino as Told to Me by Men I’ve Dated.
* Zadie Smith reviews Get Out.
* The Cars universe continues to suggest the existence of a Car Hitler.
* And some personal news: I’m a Republican now.