* Food Stamp Cut Reverberates Across Country. North Carolina Mother of 4: Food stamps cut from $500 to $16 per month. SNAP benefit cuts to affect 1 in 7 Wisconsinites.
* From the archives: Creating the Innocent Killer: Ender’s Game, Intention, and Morality. Ender and Hitler: Sympathy for the Superman.
* Stranger in a Strange Land: Ender’s Game, its controversial author, and a very personal history.
* Cabinet memos and briefing papers released under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that a major war games exercise, Operation Able Art, conducted in November 1983 by the US and its Nato allies was so realistic it made the Russians believe that a nuclear strike on its territory was a real possibility.
* JM Coetzee: Universities head for extinction.
* What crisis in the humanities? Interactive Historical Data on College Majors.
* Trends in Faculty Employment Status, 1975‐2011.
* Reduce working week to 30 hours, say economists.
* College Security Guard Leaves Trail Of Racism And Hate.
* No One is Born Gay (or Straight): Here Are 5 Reasons Why.
* Germany now allows ‘indeterminate’ gender at birth.
* Why there’s no future: Just 25% of Tea Party Republicans say there is solid evidence of global warming, compared with 61%of non-Tea Party Republicans.
* Sick: Lawyers to earn higher legal aid fees for early guilty pleas.
* The Pills of Last Resort: How Dying Patients Get Access to Experimental Drugs.
* Thomas Jefferson and the Qur’an.
* “They asked me to do a couple of episodes of The Walking Dead but I didn’t want to be a part of it,” Romero told The Big Issue. “Basically it’s just a soap opera with a zombie occasionally. I always used the zombie as a character for satire or a political criticism and I find that missing in what’s happening now.”