* The U.S. Cities Where the Poor Are Most Segregated From Everyone Else. Milwaukee, alas, is #1.
* “Dr. Kissinger’s visit to campus will not be publicized, so we appreciate your confidentiality…”
* Yet the Senate House files show a university elite admitting that outsourcing has actually pushed up costs and made services worse. Despite that, the executives vow to press on with an even grander privatisation scheme.
* How to Talk to Prospective Grad Students.
* “The Ivory Ceiling of Service Work.”
* BREAKING: Raising the minimum wage doesn’t actually crash the economy.
* BREAKING: The TSA is useless.
* Vignettes from the Modern Workplace.
* Whispers and rumors of Shaka Smart.
* Race, privilege, and paying college athletes. Meet the Press’s Epic NCAA Fail.
* Everyone hates Nate Silver now, and/but/because his model says Republicans will take the Senate. More at Slate.
* There is a large body of evidence now looking at AA success rate, and the success rate of AA is between 5 and 10 percent.
* The Atlantic profiles Duke’s Own™ Zach Blas and his Facial Weaponization Suite.
* Pointless cruelty in the British prison system.
* The College Board and ACT are being sued for stealing student information.
* In a civilized country, it wouldn’t be possible: Detroit water department preparing mass utility shutoffs.
* Then again, apparently we can’t even recognize the equal humanity of our own future selves.
* The law, in its majestic equality… Arkansas Judge Ruled for Corporation Just Days After PAC Contributions.
* Annals of Star Trek continuity. That explains it!
* Sometimes muckraking is the worst: What the Heidelberg Project doesn’t want you to know.
* To whom is George Zimmerman a hero?
* Scott Walker endorses Obamacare.
* Yale Daily News, 1971: Educated Unemployables.
* Life after prison in Baltimore.
* All this happened, more or less.
* Great moments in checks and balances: Obama will ask Congress to put an end to the NSA bulk data collection program the executive branch personally, secretly, and extralegally inaugurated.
* Precrime watch: LAPD says every car in Los Angeles is part of an ongoing criminal investigation.
* The Onion is founding a new comedy festival in Chicago.
* And BREAKING: The Qatar World Cup Is a Total Disaster.