* There’s only one important story in the world right now, but you won’t hear anything about it in your mainstream media: Ant mega-colony takes over world.
* Found poetry: Below you’ll find a haiku extracted from a random Supreme Court opinion.
The contract therefore
survives scrutiny under
the Rule of Reason.
* “Where have all the thoughtful and original mainstream movies gone?” The answer is “They’ve long been obscured, left to rot and die on one screen in New York for six days before disappearing into VOD obscurity.” On the banal tyranny of blockbuster film.
* The cosmic tragedy of the technocratic fix: Nail polish developed at N.C. State alerts wearers to date rape drugs.
* Lawmakers Who Cut Funds For ALS Research Take Ice Bucket Challenge For ALS Research. Who Invented the Ice Bucket Challenge?
* Where Are the National Democrats on Ferguson? What could explain it?
12. She dove into the ocean, the blue waves enveloping her tapioca skin.
13. She was transfixed by the gleam of his uncooked chicken breast skin. So raw, so lumpy.
* Totally unrelatedly: More white people believe in ghosts than in racial discrimination.
* On an entirely different subject: Overall, the social networks of whites are a remarkable 93 percent white. White American social networks are only one percent black, one percent Hispanic, one percent Asian or Pacific Islander, one percent mixed race, and one percent other race. In fact, fully three-quarters (75 percent) of whites have entirely white social networks without any minority presence.
* Shorter Nate Silver: By legalizing corruption, we’ve essentially eliminated illegal corruption in the U.S.
* An online fund created to raise money for the Ferguson, Mo., police officer who killed Michael Brown has amassed more than $150,000, outpacing a similar account for the slain man’s family.
* Videotaped Police Shooting Shocked The Nation, But These Experts Say It Was Justified. BREAKING: Experts Know Which Side of Bread Is Buttered.
* Rortybomb: Ferguson and Libertarianism.
* California DMV says Google’s self-driving car must have a steering wheel.
Self-driving cars have the potential to change the way automobiles are made, and Google’s prototype car was just the first step toward that future. Cars today are built to crash, with tons of metal reinforcement, crumple zones, seat belts, and a million air bags. When everything is self-driving, and cars never (or at least rarely) crash, most of that safety equipment can be ripped out, resulting in a much lighter, more fuel-efficient vehicle.
Listen, I just don’t think you’re a great salesman.
* If White Characters Were Described Like People Of Color In Literature.
* Something to try? 4 Surprising Ways to Support a Child’s Self-Regulation & Avoid Melt Down.
* Poll: most Americans want to make it a crime for children to play without supervision. We don’t want a nanny state, apparently, just a state where every family has a nanny.
* How to solve a Fermi problem.
* And Russia Wants Bulgarians to Stop Vandalizing Soviet Monuments To Look Like American Superheroes. If I can’t dance…