* If You Leave Open A Million Tabs, ‘The Great Suspender’ Chrome Extension Is For You. Gamechanger.
* When Birds Squak, Other Species Seem to Listen.
* Two-Thirds of Risk Managers Say Frats Are Major Liability. The other third are on vacation, check back next week.
* This sort of thing is a problem in academia too. If a male prof refuses to mentor female students, that’s also bad.
* “Neoliberalism is the real affront to higher education — not Kanye West’s honorary doctorate.”
* The idea of using “drive-up advising” to reach these students started as a joke, Murray said, but it quickly turned into a reality.
* Low cost college isn’t enough. I’ve tried to argue that plans like #FreeCommunityCollege will actually be a strong accelerant to some of the other problems David is talking about, but it hasn’t exactly set the world on fire.
* The humane and the anti-humane.
What matters more is the loose agglomeration of practices, institutions and perspectives that view human experience and human subjectivity as a managerial problem, a cost burden and an intellectual disruption. I would not call such views inhumane: more anti-humane: they do not believe that a humane approach to the problems of a technologically advanced global society is effective or fair, that we need rules and instrumments and systems of knowing that overrule intersubjective, experiential perspectives and slippery rhetorical and cultural ways of communicating what we know about the world.
* Academic Freedom versus Academic Legitimacy.
* Public universities are using non-need-based aid to recruit out-of-state students, at the expense of low-income and in-state students.
* Three New Jersey colleges are appearing to be more competitive than they are in admissions by counting incomplete applications, NorthJersey.com reported.
* academiaiskillingmyfriends.tumblr.com. beingawomaninphilosophy.wordpress.com.
* Hamburger U: As more firms have set up their own “corporate universities”, they have become less willing to pay for their managers to go to business school.
* The best historical model for the transition from the WWIII-devastated Earth to the post-First Contact regime may be the rise of the Soviet Union.
* Strange result, what could explain it? Students Who Attend Class Outperform Those Online, Study Says.
* Like Dylan plugging in, Simon Pegg Worries The Love Of Science Fiction Is Making Us “Childish.”
* “Keep Foreskin and State Separate”: Battle Over Florida Boy’s Circumcision Heads To Federal Court.
* N.C. Senate bill would criminalize, fire teachers for having political views.
* Why Did NY Ban Fracking? The Official Report Is Now Public.
* Fossil fuels subsidised by $10m a minute, says IMF.
* Canada Approves Nuclear Waste Site on Great Lakes Shore.
* Texas Elementary School Accused of Locking Boy up in a “Focus Room.” Why did we turn all our schools into torture chambers?
* Homework is a Social Justice Issue.
* Obama to Limit Military-Style Equipment for Police Forces.
* Washington State Is In A Drought ‘Unlike Any We’ve Ever Experienced.’
* Sure it looks as if things are getting more peaceful. But, looking at the mathematics, that’s exactly what we should expect to see, even if we’re most likely due for a much more violent future.
* Spies, they’re just like us.
* In fan fiction, even the Dursleys can potentially be redeemed.
* Counterpoint: Republicans Are Not on the Edge of Extinction.
* The White House Is Archiving Every Tweet Begging @POTUS for Sex.
* The truth about poo: we’re doing it wrong.
* Scientists examine why men even exist.
* Like Uber, but for stopping this from happening all the time.
* Great moments in spin: “New Jersey voters say they don’t think I would be a good president because they want me to stay.” It might just be because they’re jealous.
* “That’s an extraordinarily high number of medications in a state with less than 2 million people.”
* Generation gibberish. I think a version of this sort of thinking organized around the penetration of consumer technology is probably viable, but a lot harder to wrangle than assigning arbitrary birth years.
* Mad Men and the Coke Jingle Theory. Mad Men and the Movement.
* And from the archives: As good as it gets: Mad Men and neoliberalism. And today’s followup: The commodity is the better Jesus: On the Mad Men finale.
In any case, I regard the genre of television as completed now. The most critically acclaimed, culturally prestigious, artistically ambitious television show of all time — and judging by current trends, I include the future here too — has culminated in a tacky commercial. By doing so, it made us experience its moving utopian qualities and its sinister cult-like qualities. There’s nowhere else to go at this point. That’s “the real thing.” That’s “it.”