* Tonight! DC! 6:30! Resolved: Technology Will Take All Our Jobs!
* Help, University Administration Is Terrible! Kids these days.
* Statement by PROFS in response to JFC omnibus motion #521, item #39. Foxes in the Henhouse: The Republican Takeover of the University of Wisconsin System. A turning point for the UW Colleges.
* Forgetting Lolita: How Nabokov’s Victim Became an American Fantasy.
* Michael Bérubé and Jennifer Ruth: Time for a Teaching-Intensive Tenure Track.
* How the Red Cross Raised Half a Billion Dollars for Haiti and Built Six Homes.
* Every United Airlines flight was grounded this morning in the US.
* More People Work at Fusion Than Are Reading Its Most Popular Post.
* The problem is that the IRB system is so fundamentally misconceived that it is virtually a model of how to regulate badly.
* French Court Rules It Is Unconstitutional To Cut Off Water To Anybody.
* Teen got arrested after cop tried to pick her up, failed. Warrants issued for people who cheered at Senatobia graduation. In the last seven years at least 29 police K-9s have sweltered to death after officers left the dogs inside hot patrol vehicles.
* School kitchen manager fired for giving lunches to hungry students.
* Sepp Blatter resigns. Something something joke about George Lucas character names.
* The Secret 1949 Radiation Experiment That Contaminated Washington.
* How Ridic Are the New Scrabble Words?
* How Ridic Are Call-In Shifts?
* Alternative Idea for Resolving Sexual-Assault Cases Emphasizes Closure. “Administrators promised to keep her charges confidential and to protect her from retaliation.” For what it’s worth, I had some general thoughts on Title IX earlier this week that I Storified on the off-chance anyone is interested. I don’t think the outlook is good.
* The inside story of how the Clintons built a $2 billion global empire. Is Hillary Clinton in trouble?
* Draft, uh, let’s say Bloomberg.
* New Study Confirms Self-Evident Truth: Time Warner Is Literally The Worst.
* Hell is working at the Huffington Post.
* And the arc of history is long, but Arrested Development season five will air in spring 2016.