* ICYMI: A CFP for an upcoming issue of SFFTV devoted to Women in SF, keyed to the Frankenstein bicentennial.
* We, the Undercommoning Collective, invite all those over whom the neoliberal, neocolonial university casts its shadow, all those who struggle within, against and beyond the university-as-such, to join us the weekend of October 14-16, 2016 for a global coordinated decentralized day of radical study and action.
* LARB reviews The Year 200, which I immediately bought.
* The end of the Republicans? How Donald Trump Broke The Conservative Movement (And My Heart). Trump’s Appetite for Destruction: How Disastrous Convention Doomed GOP. A 2% Convention Bump, It Looks Like.
* Not to be outdone, the Democrats are hard at work turning their convention into a debacle too.
* The Case for Tim KazzZZZZZzzzzzZZZz. Tim Kaine, and Other Faith-Based Politics. And here’s a piece from NRO that purports to explain why Tim Kaine wasn’t picked in 2008, which long-time readers may remember I’ve always wondered about. It’s pretty hard to make an electoral map where Trump wins without winning Virginia. And if you need it: My Official List of Approved Clinton-Kaine Puns.
* Well, I believe I’ll vote for a third-party candidate.
* Neoliberalism Is a Political Project.
* “Trump and Putin: Yes, It’s Really a Thing.”
* “Ancient bottom wipers yield evidence of diseases carried along the Silk Road.”
* Science Corner: It Would Take a Lot of THC to Contaminate a Water Supply.
* An evolutionary history of menstruation.
* Evolution Is Happening Faster Than We Thought.
* Precrime algorithms, coming soon.
* How NYers Endured Unbearable Summers Before A.C.
* Parents, You’re Doing Summer Wrong. Elsewhere on the parenting beat: The Right Way to Bribe Your Kids to Read.
* Scientists Assert That Earth is Really Made of Two Different Planets.
* This Is What Humans Would Look Like If They Evolved to Survive Car Crashes.
* English departments in 2016, if we’re being totally honest.
* And the arc of history is long, but Star Trek: Discovery Officially Takes Place in the Prime Universe. Here’s the ship.