* After long neglect I’ve updated the “online articles” page on my Professional Website, if you’re interested.
* Studies show kindergarteners do better on standardized tests when chained to their desks in windowless white rooms for fifteen hours at a time, so.
* Jacobin‘s brief history of neoliberalism is quite good, though the claim that the Tea Party is irrelevant or that the GOP is on the ropes seems especially odd after last night’s wonderfully improbable defeat of Eric Cantor.
* You’d think at the “legacy project” point of his presidency Obama might want to avoid phrases like “misspent years” and “talking your way through” things.
* Pizzeria Boss Fined $334K Because You Can’t Pay Workers In Pizza And Soda. Why not let the free market decide if pizza is currency?
* The Mental-Health Consequences of Unemployment. The jobs with the highest incidence of depression. Both cases seem like prime candidates for the left critique of the medicalization of depression, which is that sometimes you’re depressed because your circumstances are bad, not because your brain is misfiring.
* Headlines you don’t want to read about your new city: “Getting Milwaukee’s rivers to meet state water quality standards won’t be easy.”
* Peru Approves Genocide for Uncontacted Tribes.
* Why I’m sending 200 copies of Little Brother to a high-school in Pensacola, FL.
* Temp Nation: How Corporations Are Evading Accountability, at Workers’ Expense.
* Why a California judge just ruled that teacher tenure is bad for students.
* Another study confirms Fox News viewers are unusually misinformed even by American standards.
* Feedly and Evernote Go Down As Attackers Demand Ransom.
* Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack. I have to believe this is a significant undercount.
* My “but it could actually be good” fantasy script for Batman vs. Superman get less and less likely by the day. Alas.
* And could we finally see another Star Trek TV series courtesy of Netflix? Only if you promise it’s not Captain Worf.