* Working Mom Arrested for Letting Her 9-Year-Old Play Alone at Park. Dad Charged With Child Endangerment After Son Skips Church To Go Play. This Widow’s 4 Kids Were Taken After She Left Them Home Alone. The 90s weren’t THAT long ago, people.
* Afrofuturism, Science Fiction, and the History of the Future.
* The NEH lives! The U.S. House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday reversed a Republican proposal to cut funding to the National Endowment for the Humanities by more than 5 percent in the coming fiscal year.
* The Darker Side of University Endowments.
* Towards the slow university.
* What Happened at City College of San Francisco?
* University of Miami: Let the planet eat Walmarts.
* “An unfinished degree barely increases your earnings while costing money and time,” economist Allison Schrager found in a review of the 2013 Current Population Survey. “Dropping out of college,” she said, is “the biggest risk of going to college.”
* The new American exceptionalism: An imperial state unable to impose its will.
* How many people alive today have ever lived part of their conscious lives in a United States of America at peace with the rest of the world? Would someone even older than I am have any meaningful memory of what such a state of peace was like? How many Americans are even capable of imagining such a state? I can remember only two periods, bracketing World War II, when I believed I lived in a nation at peace. And even these were arguably just childish illusions.
* The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that Karen Lewis, the president of the Chicago Teachers Union, could challenge Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel this fall. Lewis is reportedly looking into an exploratory committee and plans to put a campaign staffer in each of the city’s 77 community areas. A poll has Lewis leading the mayor, 45 percent to 36 percent, with 18 percent of voters undecided. The Democratic Party education wars continue to heat up. The Coming Democratic Schism.
* Sweden’s School Choice Disaster.
* Meanwhile: How long can the GOP last as the cranky oldster party?
* More Americans are aging in place. Can towns and cities adapt?
* As Google’s top hacker, Parisa Tabriz thinks like a criminal—and manages the brilliant, wonky guys on her team with the courage and calm of a hostage negotiator.
* No, LeBron James Won’t Bring $500 Million A Year To Cleveland’s Economy.
* How To Talk To Babies About Marxist Theory.
* Pulitzer prize-winner, immigrant advocate detained at McAllen airport.
* Rhode Island accidentally decriminalized prostitution, and good things happened.
* Market Research Says 46.67% of Comic Fans are Female. That’s amazing given how misogynistic so much of the product is. Maybe scratch and sniff comics can drive just a few more away.
* Marvel trolls freaked-out white dudes, day two.
* Firefly: The New Lame Drawing.
* The curious grammar of police shootings.
* Federal judge rules California death penalty is unconstitutional.
* One Hundred Years of the Refrigerator.
* Will the Supreme Court buy an argument that a corporation holds a sincere religious opposition to unionization? Is PopeCo Catholic?
* Voxsplaining we can believe in: Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless.
* Original Slip ‘N Slide patent, 1961. Even the kids in the photo have broken bones.
* Could We Drink The Water On Mars?
* Swedish man and his prolific bot are responsible for 8.5% of all Wikipedia articles.
* A Woman Meets 30 Alternate Versions Of Herself. And They’re All Better. Trailer for indie SF flick You, Me & Her, which looks great.
* And a YouTube quality 12 Monkeys reboot is really going to air on SyFy for some reason. Ripping off Continuum for good measure…